Two of my Hungarian cousins are in London. I organised for them to do a work experience placement at my museum, which they are really enjoying. :-) They are honorary Visitor Assistants for two weeks, basically doing everything that VA's do, but without the responsibility - ie no money handling, and not being on their own in galleries for the purposes of evacuation. As part of the placement, they will be doing a project, which they started today - an exhibition type project on London and Budapest 1939-1945 (all their idea by the way!!). I am looking forward to Friday when they show everyone what they have done.
Last weekend we went mudlarking. I think it was completely alien to the girls, but they had fun - even found a live crab! They found some pottery, Georgian glass, and lots and lots of oyster shells.
On Saturday the girls, Eszter and Zsuzsi, and Scott and I headed to Camden market. I love Camden market, there is so much to see, and there are all kinds of people there. I bought a funky bag with huge strawberries on it. the girls were in heaven as well, I guess there is nothing like it in Budapest - either that or it was all that punk wear that they love!! Doc Marten's galore!!! ;-)
Scott and I went to see the Transformers (better than I thought). Last night we met the girls in Leicester Square and saw the Simpson's movie. Very funny, well worth it. The girls enjoyed it too. Their English has improved a lot, as has their confidence. Being forced into an English speaking environment has been worth it for them. :-) And, they are cooking us dinner tomorrow night. YUM! I am looking forward to it. Thursday night we will go to Brick Lane for dinner (where all the Indian/Bengali restaurants are). Sunday there is a country fete on in one of the parks which we shall go along to.
And now for some pictures!