Yesterday was the annual work Christmas lunch held at the Guildhall. It was fun, we didn't have to go back to work afterwards, and it was great to see the inside of the Guildhall once more. We all turned up early so we headed downstairs into the amphitheatre. I had been meaning to see it, so you can imagine I was very excited to see it all. And with my new camera to play with as well. The display is very well done. The drains are on show under glass which I love, as well as lines were placed to show where drains etc were under our feet.
As for the lunch, it was great. Nice food, great company. And we didn't have to go back to work afterwards!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guildhall,_London Info on the Guildhall
http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/Corporation/leisure_heritage/libraries_archives_museums_galleries/guildhall_art_gallery/ampitheatre.htm The Roman Amphitheatre
Tonight we had Christmas drinks in the bar next door to work. It was also my last day as a duty manager. My boss thanked me in front of everyone, and raised a toast to me. :-D Another person will start the job in January. I am sad to give it up. I have really enjoyed the role. But hey, that's life. I will keep my eye out for jobs in the new year, and I will try to create projects to do within the museum itself. We shall see!

Scott and I are off to Northern Ireland today (it's past midnight so it's today!). I am really looking forward to it. It should be a nice, relaxing holiday. 8 days of knitting and relaxation.
I hope everyone reading this has a lovely Christmas and New Year!