Ola! Scott and I headed to Barcelona for a long weekend on Saturday 5th April. Barcelona is one of those cities with a great feel. Perhaps because Spain gets more sunshine than London and people are generally happier, who knows. But I felt happy to be there.

First sight we saw was the Sagrada Familia (temple of the Holy Family). An absolutely amazing sight, inside and out. It is still under construction, and will be finished in 30 years or so. It was great to see the process of it all coming together. Gaudi was planned his church to be representative of nature. The huge columns and ceiling features are meant to represent trees. Absolutely breathtaking.

And, because this is so delayed, here are some more random photos from Barcelona:

Gaudi building

Lovely flower in the centre of the city

metro train

Outside of the opera house

Particularly unappetising fish I found in the market!

This is me outside Barcelona's synagogue, or rather, the building that houses the foundations of it. Very small, but interesting and obviously the street level was lower back then!

Montserrat, a monastery outside of Barcelona where we spent the day wandering on the Monday. Lovely place, but really foggy when we got there!

I am really pleased with this photo. Another one taken at Montserrat on the way to the hermitages.

An oh-so-cute hampster! I had never actually seen one up close, and they had lots of animals on sale at Las Ramblas (a series of streets/avenues that have markets, street entertainers, restaurants etc).

Scott and I took a wander up to the hermitages outside of Montserrat, and it was amazingly foggy!!