Here are some photos from our trip, with some extras thrown in for good measure. The extras are Orlaith wearing my shoes, and an art installation of a sinking yacht near Canary Wharf, taken from the DLR train. The photos of the church in Liverpool were taken on two separate days. The church was bombed during WWII and has been left as is in memorium to those who died there and in Liverpool during enemy bombing raids. You even have to sign a waiver on your way in - just in case I guess. It had an art installation in it from Yoko Ono which was a whole bunch of ladders, to which you could add if you wanted to!!
The photo of the painting and then the x-ray of the painting were taken at the Conservation centre. Great place. Appealed to the museum nerd in me, most definitely. The X-ray shows that the painter changed his mind about the style of the dress the woman is wearing and painted over it.