Friday, December 10, 2004

can't think of a title tonight...

hey people,

Well, it is the end of my first week of work. All in all, it has been quite good. I am working there again next week, which is great. Nice to know they will have me back. I get to read my book on the tube, if I get a seat that is! I have done various admin stuff this week: typed out letters, filing, answering telephones, making telephone calls to chase staff. That kind of thing.

One thing I forgot to mention the other day, and I was reminded of it on the walk back from the train station tonight. In the toy shop in the suburb where I am staying, they sell Sylvanian Families. I don't know if anyone reading this had those when you were growing up. I did. And I loved them. They are still under the house somewhere too I believe! Brought back memories :-)

We are looking at three flats tomorrow. Well, rooms anyway. Some of them sound good on paper, I guess its a different thing to see them in the flesh. But thats the plan tomorrow. We are looking in north London, close to the tube etc. And hopefully with my own bathroom!! Keep your fingers crossed for us!!

I bought blue roses today. Cos I could. Not for me though, but for mum's cousin who has done so much for us.

Over and out. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hi, yes I remember Sylvanian Familiy! I had quite a few (think some from London) does bring back memories... Well, sounds like things are going well..and good luck with the flat/room hunting. Lou

Anonymous said...

Hope u find something bright and sunny soon...M