Friday, June 02, 2006


We are off to a wedding tomorrow, in Cambridge. I am really looking forward to it. We were going to hire a car, but my licence has not come through, so we shall be catching the train. I am a bit disappointed, but c'est la vie. We will enjoy the train journey and we will be getting out of London for the weekend.

Work is pretty busy today as it is school holidays here. We have had a drama session on today. We have actors come in and pretend they are certain characters from history to entertain visitors. We had a pub landlady in today, Maeve Dawson. She is fantastic. I think I have seen her performance about 15 times over the past year, and she never fails to make me giggle. She talks about her life in the pub in a street near the river Thames. She pulls quite a crowd too. They all squish into her pub and listen to her stories. I particularly like when she talks about the smells of the streets and the river. She puts it ever so politely when she mentions horse manure, but there is always one child who yells out "poo!!" :-D

I have the next four days off work. I start my training for the full time permanent position next week when I get back. I have also said that I will start work at 7.15am on Thursday. Not sure who on earth would choose to be in that early, but the money is always handy. :-)

I shall post photos of the wedding and our adventures in Cambridgeshire next week.


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