Thursday, July 13, 2006

There was an almighty crash yesterday apparently, when a glass shelf came down in one of the display cases. I helped Alison, the conservator clean it up and we removed the shelf. We rearranged the artefacts and made it look better. Alison thinks that vibrations from the floor boards helped to tip it off the brackets. Interesting. There is no other explanation really, considering all the other cases in the area are fine. :-) I enjoyed helping her. I also had lunch with her in her office. :-)

Last night I went to a bbq at our parent museum. It was a really fun night. It was lovely to catch up with people, as well as meet new people. We can sometimes be a bit isolated from others at our museum because of the location as well as politics. But it was a relaxed evening with plenty of food and drink. Scott also had a nice evening as he had a night out with his work people, all paid for by his boss.

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