It's Friday, I'm in the call centre, and I am a wee bit bored!
But...on the upside, I get to catch up on emails, figure out where to go in Scotland and chat to Dad on emails! So not a day wasted at all. This afternoon I shall be looking through the genealogy files my dad sent me over so I can update my database further. I am hoping to have it all up to date before we go to Scotland in 13 days (not counting of course!!!!) so it's all done.
Tuesday this week I caught up with Sarah and Orlaith. We went to see Cars (still funny the second time) at a mother and baby session. It was nice to see mums out with their babies. I dare say it can be a bit lonely/frustrating/etc to be at home all the time with just one small person. I know Sarah says she craves adult company (not sure how much of that I can provide though!!). After that we had a look through one of the two health food shops at Stratford shopping centre and at the wool shop. Sarah is a vegan, so I introduced her to two new things. Chocolate covered rice cakes, which sound odd but are really yummy, and to tofu weiners (sausages) which you can eat hot or cold. They have a yummy smokey flavour to them. We grabbed some lunch at a cafe, where poor Sarah was unlucky enough to bite on an insanely hot chilli pepper. After drinking copious amounts of water, sucking on ice and drinking my rice milk Sarah recovered. I felt really bad for her, as all I could do was hold Orlaith and watch. :-(
After lunch we jumped on the DLR and headed to Greenwich. We sat in Greenwich park and watched the drunk teenagers and chatted. Time really flew, as by the time we got on the DLR again, after ditching the idea of grabbing dinner because of a tired and grumpy Orlaith, it was 7.30pm! I think next time we get together, I think there will be knitting to be done.
My latest knitting project is a knitted bunny, no reason, just because. I have never knitted a toy before. It was meant to be a girl bunny, but I have made him a boy. He is holding a beach ball and wearing bright yellow shorts. I will put a photo here when I am finished him.
Last night we caught up with our old landlady, Gayle. We trekked over to Willesden Green in north west London. We had not been back since we left there in September last year. Gayle brought her new man, Phil, who is really lovely. I am happy she is finished with Mark, the loser we used to live with. Mark, so I hear, is living in a caravan outside Chelmsford somewhere (Chelmsford is east of London in Essex, the home of chavs). *insert comment about trailer trash here* We had a fantastic night, catching up on the gossip. She loves Scott and I, not sure why!! We get along really well. She is 48 (??) but acts about 30. We were talking about the people we used to live with, whom I have not thought about in a very long time, so that was a bit odd really. I am glad we are out of the sharehousing thing though. Reminiscing made me realise this and be thankful that Scott and I are in a place of our own. It's funny, as yes in sharehousing you have the opportunity to meet people, but that is only if you get along well etc. I have made close friendships at my work, as well as keeping in contact with people who are over here from home. Scott is lucky as well as his work peoples are young and he gets along well with them.
Tomorrow we are going to a barbeque at Sarah and Jake's house. I asked Sarah if she would like me to bring anything, she said either a salad or a dessert. I have a packet of quinoa at home, so I might make a salad out of that. I will make it vegan so Sarah can eat it too.
Off to listen to the silent phones in the call centre and to play with my family tree.
Hey Alex,
Long time no hear from!! I have finally got around to having a squizz at the blogg site (its only been going for what? two years!!) So news on the home front from your distant relatives as I'm sure your folks have informed you is as follows:
- Tegan had her second baby, a boy named Conner, so they are now a happy foursome of Tegan, Alan, Kyla and Conner.
- Marni has moved out of Mum & Dads after coming back from Orange a few months ago and has a place of her own with Trevor & Coby.
- Heath went into business for himself and has just picked up a heap of work so he is really busy.
- Sayel is in a year 2/3 composite class and is gong along a treat. She is only a head shorter than me!
- I am plodding along still doing contract work and Heath's financials at home (currently getting over the flu and have no voice, much to alot of peoples distress - not!!)
- Mum is working as a respite carer and doing long hours but is loving it, as you can imagine, it is right up her ally, she is very well suited to it I think.
- Dad is doing better and is doing a few things around the house.
- Sam is still in school and doing his thing - whatever that is...
- Bonnie just turned 17 and got her learners licence so she is stoaked!!
Hugs and Kisses to you and Scott, and I hope you have a great time is Scottland you lucky girl.
Mmmm, quinoa. I love that stuff! Glad to hear things are going well - and omg you're Hungarian now! That is so rad. I wish I could get a foreign passport so I could avoid a visa :P I shall have to write a proper email update or something soon, but it just feels like there's not a lot happening here at all! Heh.
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