Friday, October 27, 2006

On the 27th October 2004, I:

Said good bye to my parents and friends at Brisbane airport
Burst into tears as I went through customs (didn't really stop until we got on the plane)
Took off in a plane for London
Began an adventure

So there you have it. Two year ago Scott and I left home to come to London. I can't believe it has been so long. In that time we have seen and done a lot. The countries we have seen are:

Ireland (I have with my dad)
Belgium (drove through it on the tour we did, and I have been back to visit a relative)
The Netherlands

I think that's the lot. ;-) Anyway, quite a few.

We have lived in 5 houses, in 4 different postcode areas.

I think I have experienced almost every emotion living in London. Sometimes more pronounced than at home being so far away. Homesickness is not much of a problem, unless I am tired or sick or feeling lonely. Excitement at being in new places. Happiness for getting my job. Sadness when I heard about two death's in my friend Lisa's family.

London has so much to offer. If you can put up with the pollution, the noise, the smells of urine and sewerage that seem to permeate every surface, overcrowded public transport, people spitting on the street, people not smiling at you, crap customer service etc etc... then London is for you! You become numb to it after a while I guess. But there is history dripping from every orifice, sunshine occasionally, snow if you are lucky, awesome museums, shopping, red buses, black cabs. I have enjoyed my time here, and while there have been frustrations, times I cried, laughed, grimaced, I have a soft spot for the place. There is much opportunity here. Plenty of work and experience to be had. I can't recommend it highly enough. Come if you can!

We have organised a dinner for our friends tomorrow night. A lot of people cannot make it so it will be a small party, but that's fine. I shall update y'all on that when I can.

Alex xxx

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