I met up with Sarah and Orlaith yesterday. We were going to try out a stitch and bitch group at one of the cafes in the West End but Sarah had a doctors appointment, so we have postponed it until they get back from Oz. We ended up wandering about, having coffee, getting on buses, going to a bank, knitting in cafes and generally having a lovely time. I had tomato sauce handprints on me after Orlaith smooshed her pasta into my skirt at lunch time. :-) Babies are gross. But cute, so it makes up for it.
Knitting projects at the moment:
* tiny hats for charity. See
www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/supergran for details. Tiny hats for smoothies! Strange idea, but they are cute, easy to knit and for a good cause. What more do you want?
* socks for Scott. I am on number 2!
Knitting projects for the future:
*beret out of bottle green mohair
*handbag from sari silk
*hot water bottle cover
*afghan (a throw for the bed)
A random post for y'all, but that's the kind of mood I'm in!