Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Scott and I are off to Amsterdam on Friday night. :-) I have been looking on the web for things to do. www.amsterdam.info seems a good source. They have an advice section which states:

Avoid using cannabis in public. It is unsafe and illegal. It is not allowed to smoke in the public (you can get a fine, but usually just a reminder from the policeman), and it is not polite either to roam the streets, shops or restaurants while stoned. You can easily bump into a bike or a tram and die.
Not polite to roam the streets stoned? Awesome. :-) That made me giggle.
Anyway, we are really looking forward to going. We are flying out of City Airport which is quite close to us (we can catch the Docklands Light railway home rather than overland trains/buses etc). We should be home within an hour of landing!

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