Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just a quick one.

Went on a replica East Indiaman sailing ship on Monday night with people from work. Had a guided tour with a nice Swedish lass (it's a Swedish ship).

I have made shiny gallery trails for kiddies tomorrow. They are focussed on Chinatown in London. We have a China-based family activity on tomorrow so these will keep them amused (quiet maybe??).

Spent time chasing images for the new gallery.

I know someone in the new Big Brother 8 which started tonight. We don't have a tv, but it is times like these I would really love one. I don't even like Big Brother!

I have discovered Facebook. I have found all sorts of people I went to school with, including a girl who I remember fondly but had not seen since I walked out the gates nearly 10 years ago. Thank you internet!

That is all. ;-)

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