Thursday, June 28, 2007

Training at work - Special Education needs training. I can say Hello, Good Morning, and My name is Alex, in Makaton, which is based on British sign language.

I am busily writing a 4000 word essay on social inclusion in museums.

Facebook is addictive! I have found quite a few people from school/home/contiki tour and it has been great to catch up and find out what people are up to.

The weather is not great in London. It is cool, and has been windy and rainy. Where is summer??

Work goes well. The curator thinks I am a star! :-) Duty managering is fun too, the days go quickly. Next Wednesday I get training on how to rescue people out of lifts (if they are trapped).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are there photos of you clambering about on top of lifts and rescuing people? Please post!