Friday, September 08, 2006

Hello All!

Today is my day off, so IthoughtI would write a quick post. I will be having lunch with Scott today. He is working very long hours at the moment (home well past 10pm) so it is a chance to catch up!

There have been a series of walks run by staff members of my museum this year. They are very interesting, and the most recent one was on Tuesday this week. About 18 of us wandered about Wapping, a riverside suburb in East London, learning about the goings-on there in history. The area is interesting, and is one of the areas that used to be filled with docks, sailors and general bawdiness, but is now being gentrified. The docks closed, the sailors and dockers moved away and now the yuppies and the immigrants have taken their place. Scott and I love the area, as there are some great riverside pubs. And I have been mudlarking down there. I invited my mum's cousin Judy along, and she enjoyed herself. She met all my crazy colleagues!! I genuinely believe you have to be mad to work in a museum, not quite padded walls mad, but almost!! :-)

Off to get ready for the rest of the day. Exciting things to do! :-)


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