Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I had a lovely day off yesterday. I had a chat to dad on the phone, dyed my hair (not red enough though) and went off to Romford in Essex just out of London to meet Sarah and Orlaith. I met a very grumpy Orlaith and a tired Sarah, we bought some lunch and had a picnic on Sarah's loungeroom floor. Twas fun. Orlaith smooshed avocado all over her face and into her hair which was very amusing. Sarah and I knitted (me some more on my funky stitch scarf, her on a pair of gloves) and generally hung out and chatted. Yay!

Today and the rest of the week I am hanging around at work. I am looking forward to the weekend. It is Open House London again and tehre is plenty on to see. Hopefully we shall go see the Brunel museum and then see the remains of the Rose theatre from 1587, which are under an office building. Scotty is off to watch football on Sunday (ie soccar for the Aussies reading this). Hopefully I shall get soe knitting done as well as some sightseeing!

I shall try and post some photos of my mad colleagues who I went out to dinner with on Monday night. A very entertaining night was had!

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