Friday, September 29, 2006

Here I am in the call centre again. I am going on lunch shortly. It has been raining the last few days on and off so I hope it does not start as I am on my way over to Canary Wharf! The days are much shorter now - it is getting dark at around 7.30pm, compared to 9.30 at the height of summer. And the nights are cooler. Winter trudges towards us! I don't mind the cold weather over here. Which reminds me I must chase our estate agents about putting up new curtain rails so I can hang some heavy curtains for winter. [Hmmm. Just rang them. They will get back to me. They said that last week!]

I have asked for holidays for the weekend before Christmas. I think Scott and I will try and fly somewhere in Europe. Perhaps to Prague? I cannot get holidays over Xmas, but I will have four days off because of my roster and the bank holidays. Hopefully whereever we go will have some Christmas markets and some snow!

In knitting news: I just have to sew together the toe of my first sock! Then it's on to sock number two. I am really impressed with myself. I will have to post pictures asap. It actually looks and feels like a sock, which is always a bonus!

Not much at the moment, perhaps I shall write later on...

:-) xxx

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