Sunday, July 25, 2004

Some Systems Go

We have the ticket paid for, as well as the 6 months insurance. There are still major purchases to be made, but I guess the most important one (the flight away from home) is done. We fly out of Brisbane on the 27th October 2004 on a one way ticket. This does not mean that we are not coming back, it just may be a while, that's all. :-)

I still need to find a backpack. this is stressing me a little, but I still have three months to find one. Scott has his, so we're not even, just yet!

Visa application goes in this week. We spoke to a representative of the British consulate on Monday night at the YHA info evening, who told us that the working visa can be post-dated three months. So i can apply for it now, and they will date the visa from the day beofre we enter the country. Scott is lucky enough to be going on an Ancestry Visa. Lucky thing, as it's valid for four years, not two!

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