Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wednesday! Two more days til payday! I have been waiting a long time for this. Well, a month or so, but I'm not used to it. I have never, ever been paid anything other than weekly. It has been a steep learning curve. :-)

Not much to say really. Saw Sarah and Orlaith yesterday. They had gone to a movie with Sarah's friend and they dropped in to my museum afterwards. I signed all the necessary photographs and forms for Sarah's and Orlaith's Australian passports. It was lovely to see them. It is always nice to be able to show off my museum. They enjoyed themselves, and I met them after work for dinner. Orlaith was very happy and giggly which is nice.

Scott got in from work at 4.45am this morning. Poor thing.

We go to Edinburgh in a week and a day!

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