Wednesday, October 06, 2004

More to tell

Things are moving along nicely. I picked up our London Passes etc today from the lovely travel agent. We have to exchange them in London for actual tickets/cards I guess when we get there. We also got those under 26 cards. So even though I should have gone overseas years ago (instead of spending soooo long at uni) I can feel young, as I now have a special Youth Card, Yay me!

I packed up my bag last night to see just how much space everything would take up in my bag. Well, I was a little shocked to say the least! I divided my stuff into things I think I will need when I get there or one the plane, which I put into my day pack, and the other pile was basically everything else. My daypack was absolutely stuffed, and weighed a tonne, and that was without the 2 litres of water I am supposed to consume on the flight! My backpack was also full, and extremely heavy! And that was without the hairdryer, the guide book, the underwear, and the extra two pairs of pants I want to take. I have to do a serious cull of the things I want to take.

Still scared, but getting really excited. I am worried that I won't have enough money to spend. Scott is lucky, in that he was given a nice present from someone, as well as the fact that he earns more than me. I was promised something that didn't turn out the way I expected, which disappoints me slightly, as I would have preferred what I was promised, as it would have helped me a hell of a lot more than what I got (at least in the present!). I know that is a little confusing, but I know what I am talking about. I told mum that I just won't eat for the three weeks of the tour, as I still have to buy my camera yet. That's $700 or so, if I get a good price. I told her that photos are more important than food! Well, in the long term I won't remember what I ate for lunch when I saw La Tour Eiffel for the first time, but if I can't take a photo, I will remember that for ever!!

Anyway, enough of that. It's off to plan just how much we can cram into our first few days we are in London!

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